Dental & Oral Surgery

  • Dental department at Iris Hospital boasts of a very well experienced and talented full time Dental surgeon Dr. Nupur M Patel trained in General and family dentistry with a further academic training and teaching experience in Endodontics and Prosthodontics.
  • Visiting Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr. Rahul K. Thakkur with 16 years of experience in the full scope of maxillofacial services.
  • The Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery deals with entire range of surgical ailments and emergencies. It provides services to conduct all major & supra major surgical procedures in the field of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery with special focus in Oral Cancer, Orthognathic Surgery, Facial trauma and Dental Implants.
  • Dental Implants including advanced procedures like Ridge split, bone augmentation, Sinus lift, nerve repositioning
  • Wisdom tooth removal
  • Root canal including paediatric dentistry
  • Crown and Bridges
  • Cosmetic dentistry
  • The hospital has a dedicated dental department which is equipped with two latest and fully automatic dental chairs capable of performing all minor and major dental procedures, NAME, NAME

Dental Surgery | IRIS Hospital

OPD No. 108

Dr. Nupur Patel
Monday to Saturdays
9 am to 1pm
3pm to 7 pm
Phone: 02692-288234 (by Appointments)

  • Different facilities available include general ward (separate for male & female patients), private – single (with and without AC) & deluxe rooms and suite rooms.
  • Fully equipped ICU facilities
  • Fully equipped Trauma & Emergency centre
  • In house advanced laboratory and radiological services

Photos of Dental & Oral Surgery Department

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