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Degrees and Education
M.S.(orthopaedic), Spine Surgeon
Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
He has done post graduation from reputed B.J.Medical college and civil hospital, Ahmedabad. He has worked as an assistant professor in M.P Shah medical college, Jamnagar. He has undergone training of minimal invasive spine surgery and pain management with Dr S.Gore at pune. He has done spine surgery fellowship(1 year) under Dr Bharat R Dave, ahmedabad. He has worked in government spine institute, Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad for 3 months during his post-graduate training.
He has published original research paper in following international indexed journals
1. GLOBAL RESEARCH ANALYSIS- Results of Unilateral paraspinal muscle sparing bilateral Laminotomy Volume: 2 | Issue: 7 | July 2013 • ISSN No 2277 – 8160
2. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH- Outcomes of Modalities of Treatment of Intra Articular Fracture of Distal Humerus in Adults Volume: 2 | Issue: 7 | July 2013 • ISSN No 2277 – 8179
3.INDIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH- Effectiveness Of Root Block And Radiofrequency In Prolapse Intervertebral Disc And Lumbar Canal Stenosis- Indian J.Sci.Res. 4(2) : 205-209, 2013
4. INDIAN JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDICS- MRI guided percuteneous drainage of psoas abcess- Indian Journal of Orthopaedics | January 2014 | Vol. 48 | Issue 1
5.INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH-PARIPEX- Comparative Study Of Use of Autologous Bone Grafts Vs. Artificial Beta TCP Bone Grafts In Cases of Non Union, Mal Union, Trauma, Arthrodesis Procedures. Volume: 2 | Issue : 12 | Dec 2013
6. GLOBAL RESEARCH ANALYSIS- Comparative Study of Use of Autologous Bone Grafts Vs. Artificial Beta TCP Bone Grafts In Cases of spine fusion, lytic lesions and other orthopaedic procedure. Volume: 2 | Issue : 12 | Dec 2013