As I entered in the world of Medicine, I realized that it was not as straight forward as I had expected. Complexity in this field, compared to other professions, is due to multiple factors. There is wide spectrum of health issues, incomplete knowledge about human physiology and its response to illnesses and field is constantly evolving. In Indian health scenario, it becomes further complex due to diversity of social & cultural practices, economical background, deeply rooted myths & beliefs about illnesses and parallel working health system by unprofessional, unethical quacks.
Degrees and Education
MBBS from Shri M P Shah Government Medical College, Jamnagar.
Diabetes Mellitus
Heart failure
Respiratory Disorders
Thyroid Disorders
Infectious Diseases
I did my M.D Medicine from P.D.U Govt. Medical College & Civil Hospital, Rajkot which is tertiary care hospital of destrict and referal centre of major hospital of Saurashtra having lots of patient load & varieties of patients.
I completed 1 year period of senior residentship at same hospital in Dept of Medicine having good patient load in ICU & Emergency ward with complicated patient of heart diseases, respiratory diseases, Post-operative care, poisoning, snake bite.
I also learnt an ethical practice of medicine & communication skills with patient during this period.