
We have the privilege of working in six state of art operation theatres, Capable of performing all kind of surgeries. Each OT is equipped with
- GE (Datex Ohmeda) 9100 c workstation
- Multipara monitors(Phillips) with Etco2
- Defibrillator (biphasic)
- Body warmer
- Central supply of medical gases (O2,N2O,air)
- Central suction.
This along with well trained staff helps us in managing high risk Anaesthesia patient optimally.
We also have
- Different types of endotracheal tubes and laryngoscopes
- Supraglottic airway devices (Igel and LMA)
- Videolaryngoscope
- Bougies
- Cricothyroid puncture set to handle any difficult airway during anaesthesia
- Peripheral never stimulator to perform various regional never blocks.
We along with our well experienced team of surgeons of different specialities, trained nursing and paramedical staff with a well equipped emergency room help us in treating all kinds of trauma patients.
- Anaesthesia for paediatric, adult and geriatric patients in Orthopaedics, ENT, General surgery oncology, urology and faciomaxillary surgeries
- High risk patients
- Regional blocks for anaesthesia and post-operative analgesia.
- Management of trauma patients in ER.
- Training of Medical officers and nursing staff in
- Monitoring of pre and post operative patients.
- Various modalities of O2 therapy