General & Laparoscopic Surgery

General & Laparoscopic Surgery
- The Department of General Surgery deals with entire range of surgical ailments and emergencies. It provides services to conduct all major & supra major surgical procedures in the field of general surgery with special focus in Surgical Gastroenterology, GI endoscopies and Laparoscopy
- We have a specialised team that runs an OBESITY CLINIC and all types of Bariatric (Obesity) Surgeries are performed here.
- In addition to treating minor swellings, the surgeons are capable of performing complex abdominal surgeries and all kinds of trauma and emergency surgical procedures
- Most abdominal surgeries are performed through Laparoscopy (keyhole surgery)
- The surgeons are also capable of performing all types of basic and advanced GI Endoscopic procedures
- Facilities of Visiting Faculties are made available on case to case basis in the fields of Urology, Advanced laparoscopy, Onco-surgery, pediatric, Vascular and plastic Surgery
- Fully qualified Anesthesiologists are on call round the clock for routine and emergency surgeries
- Other Supportive Specialties like, Internal Medicine and intensivists are made available as & when required
- Medical officers are appointed to look after in patients and are available 24*7 in the hospital premises to handle emergencies
- Backing this team of highly skilled surgeons, are trained nurses, technicians and state-of-the-art operation theatres and intensive care units, all equipped with the latest gadgets and technology
- All kinds of basic and advanced Laparoscopic surgeries – Diagnostic laparoscopy, Appendectomy, Cholecystectomy, all Hernia surgeries, surgeries of GERD & heartburns (Fundoplications), Achalasia cardia etc.
- Obesity and Bariatric Surgery
- All kinds of basic and advanced Endoscopic procedures – Upper GI endoscopy, Colonoscopy, Banding & Glue injection in esophageal varices, ERCP, Esophageal dilatations, PEG, Foreign body removal from Esophagus and Stomach, Esophageal stenting, Polypectomies etc.
- Hernias (inguinal, epigastric, umbilical, paraumbilical, incisional etc)
- Lumps anywhere over the body
- Hydrocele
- Perianal problems (fistula, fissure, haemorrhoids surgery both open and with the help of STAPLERS)
- Skin tumours
- Diabetic infections and Abscess anywhere over the body
- Benign and Malignant breast diseases
- Benign and Malignant thyroid diseases
- Cholecystectomies (open & laparoscopic) – (surgeries of Gall bladder)
- Gastro - intestinal surgeries like gastrectomies, bowel resection/anastomosis, colectomies, spleenectomies etc. (surgeries of esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, rectum, spleen etc.)
- Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic surgeries (surgeries of liver, gall bladder and pancreas)
- Video assisted Thoracoscopies (VATS) – both diagnostic and therapeutic
- All kinds Urological surgeries (both open and Endoscopic guided) – Urinary bladder and kidney stones, Prostate surgeries, Penile and testis problems, Male infertility, Cystoscopy, PCNL, URS etc.
- All kinds of Cancer surgeries all over the body (both open and laparoscopic)
- All kinds of Poly Trauma and Accident cases and procedures
- Acute General surgical Emergencies like appendicitis, duodenal ulcer perforations, peritonitis, intestinal obstructions, hematemesis, etc.
- All kinds of Neurosurgeries – Hematomas, Brain tumours etc.
- All kinds of Plastic and Cosmetic surgeries
- All kinds of Vascular surgeries – varicose veins LASER surgery, arterial bypass surgeries, limb amputations etc.
- All kinds of Facio-Maxillary surgeries
- All kinds of Laparoscopic Gynecological (LAVH, TLH etc) and Pelvic surgeries
- Cancer Chemotherapy
- All types of basic and advanced Laparoscopic surgeries
- Obesity and Bariatric Surgery
- All types of basic and advanced Endoscopic procedures
- Complex cancer surgeries
- All complex Poly Trauma and General surgical Emergency surgeries
- Full-fledged department of G.I. and Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Obesity Clinic
- Experienced G.I. and Laparoscopic surgeons
- Daycare Facilities
- Stryker HD camera Laparoscopy system with a software support for recording and documentation
- J & J (Ethicon) Harmonic Scalpel System
- Olympus Video Endoscopic system for both Upper and Lower GI tract with a software support for recording and documentation
- Reliable back-up of good surgical ICU facilities
- 24X7 availability of medical officers and efficient nursing staff to help patients recover better and faster
General & Laparoscopic Surgery | IRIS Hospital
OPD No. 5 & 7
Monday to Saturdays
10:00AM to 1:00PM
5:00PM to 7:00PM
Phone: 02692-288215 (by Appointment)
- Different facilities available include general ward (separate for male & female patients), private – single (with and without AC) & deluxe rooms and suite rooms.
- Day Care failicites
- Fully equipped ICU facilities
- Fully equipped Trauma & Emergency centre
- In house advanced laboratory and radiological services
- A small library and round the clock internet facility is available for updating.
- The department conducts educational activities for doctors in the area on regular basis.
- Specialist surgeons and pharma companies are invited on regular basis to demonstrate operative procedures and other advances in the surgical fields
- Nursing students are inducted on regular basis from private Nursing Schools for Practical training. Each student gets 3 months of intensive training as a part of their curriculum.
- Homeopathic Interns are appointed as trainees informally. We train them for 12 months before they start their own practice.